




每对选手有2人组成,每场辩论正方称为“政府”,反方称为“野党”,每位辩手依次单独发言,对所给出的辨题进行辩论。与传统的辩论形式注重辩论中的团队精神不同,美国议会制的辩论更侧重测试辩论赛中的每个辩论者的个人水平。  流程:  正一7分钟,反一8分钟,正二8分钟,反二8分钟,反一4分钟,正一5分钟,结束,共40分钟,在前四个人的发言中,可以提point of information,,但是得在第一分钟到倒数一分钟之间,被问者可以选择答与不答!  辩论的题目和中文辩论不一样!比如 this house would make entry to public museum free! this house would pay high salary to fight corruption! this house believes women's day should be abolished!  正方有权定义辩题,for example, the first one, the affirmative could narrow down the topic to this house would make entry to public museum free for local citizens or this house would make entry to public museum free on Tuesday to Friday。但是,正方的定义必须给反方留下辩论的空间,否则,反方可以提出异议,for instance, the second one, if the affirmative define like this "this house would pay high salary to fight corruption in Hong Kong! 如果正方定了近似真理的东西,反正就可以提undebatable, 正方就需要重新定义,重新定义就基本意味输!  正方主要说明一个政策的可行,反方则证明不可行。