的有关信息介绍如下:CER有两层意思:1. 用于存储公钥证书的文件格式。 2.核证减排量,Certification Emission Reduction 的英文缩写。
1.Assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions of ecological energy type and environmental protection energy type waste treatment system in large-scale pig farms.
2.The Kyoto Protocol incorporates three flexibility mechanisms, such as the emissions trading, the joint implementation and the clean development mechanism (CDM), to help Annex I countries to gain carbon emission reduction from the other countries at a lower overall cost.
《联合国气候变化框架公约》的《京都议定书》中规定了排放贸易、联合履约和清洁发展机制三种灵活机制 ,其附件 I国家可以通过这三种机制以较低的成本从境外获得碳减排量 。
3.Under the background of the clean development mechanism(CDM),trading of greenhouse gas(GHG) emission reductions is an attractive approach to help producers implementing cleaner treatment technologies to replace current system,say anaerobic lagoons.