




意思是职业化, 职业水准或特性。例句:1、American companies pride themselves on their professionalism. 美国公司为他们的专业水准感到自豪。2、There was a lack of professionalism in their dealings. 他们的经营方式缺乏专业水准。3、I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism. 他们的无礼和不专业让我震惊。4、His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism.他的成功充分体现了他的勤劳苦干和敬业精神。5、Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and effective response.良好的客户关系需要做到礼貌、专业,并提供有效的回复。6、I've impressed upon them the need for more professionalism. 我已使他们深刻认识到提高专业素养的必要性。7、No one can touch these girls for professionalism. 就职业素养来说,没人能比得上这些姑娘。8、You and your team bring excellence and professionalism to this competition. 你和你的团队为比赛带来了卓越和专业的精神。9、I strengthened my confidence in the clinic and learned the importance ofprofessionalism in medicine. 我加强了我的对诊所的信心和学会了在医学职业化的重要性。10、This demands a foundation of solid expertise and professionalism. 这需要有扎实的知识和专业性作为基础。11、How you manage and cope with change is a sign of your professionalism andmaturity. 如何处理和应付变化是你的职业特性和成熟的标志。12、Professional and Efficient I appreciate not only XMUP's pioneering spirit, but alsotheir professionalism and flexibility. 专业、高效我不仅欣赏厦大出版社的开拓精神,更钦佩他们的专业精神和工作的灵活性。13、I grew up here, learned values like professionalism and love for the team colours.我在这里成长知道了什么是职业精神并深深的爱上了球队的颜色。14、I can show my professionalism. 我体现出了我的专业水准。15、Due to historical and social cultural differences, China and the western havedifferent understandings of medical professionalism. 由于历史和社会文化的差异,中西方对医学专业精神有着不同的理解。16、Their core values service, integrity and professionalism deserve full support in allnations. 所有国家都应该充分支持他们的核心价值观,即服务、正直和敬业。17、He instills a high standard of quality and professionalism. 他向世人们灌输着一种品质和专业的高标准。18、We will bring the same kind of openness, passion, dedication and professionalism toLiverpool FC. 我们将把成功的经验带到利物浦,坚持开放和激情,传承奉献精神和专业能力。19、We have earned the confidence of our clients with dedicated professionalism andaccuracy in our testing services. 通过专业精准的测试服务,我们赢得了客户的广泛赞誉和信赖。20、These investments have increased the scale and professionalism of academicentrepreneurial efforts. 这些投资提升了学者创业的规模和职业精神。