
alice in wonderland英文简介

alice in wonderland英文简介


This book depicts a series of stories, such as Alice's seeing a Mr. rabbit with a pocket watch and accidentally falling into fantasy, meeting a group of good friends and so on.

Alice and sister fell asleep reading by the river. In her dream, she chased a rabbit in vest and fell into the rabbit hole, and came to a wonderful world and began a long and thrilling journey. 

In this world, she grows big and small, so that one time she falls into a pond of tears. She also met the preaching Duchess, the mysterious Cheshire cat, the mythical Griffin and the Fake Turtle... 

Until she finally collided with the queen of cards and the king, shouting in a hurry. Alice finally woke up from her wonderful dream.

alice in wonderland英文简介


刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll,1832—1898),原名查尔斯·勒特威奇·道格森,出生于英国柴郡一个乡间牧师的家庭。在1862年7月4日的旅行中,卡罗尔构思出《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,最终这部作品的发表给他带来了第一次、同时也是最大的一次成功。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的成功在很多方面改变了卡罗尔的生活,不久,刘易斯·卡罗尔的名字就被众人所知晓。
