
push button是什么意思

push button是什么意思


push button是什么意思

push button[英][puʃ ˈbʌtən][美][pʊʃ ˈbʌtn]n.按钮; 电钮; 双语例句1.Unplug the push button module wire harness connector from the trip computer,compass, and thermometer display module.从行车电脑,罗盘,和温度表显示模组上拆下按压按钮模组线束接头。2.The CDS contracts attached to Greek debt are proving to be quite a destructiveforce indeed.Papandreou is now threatening to push the button.眼下,希腊债券的CDS合约确实显现出极大的杀伤力,而帕潘德里欧正威胁要摁下按钮。3.The two men walk through the general office into the corridor, where they push thebutton for the elevator.两人走过总办公厅,进入了走廊,在廊下按了按电梯的电钮。