intensive-care unit是什么意思
的有关信息介绍如下:intensive-care unit的意思是重症监护室。An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital's intensive-care unit, suffering from a peptic ulcer and shock from internal hemorrhage.我们医院的特护部收治了一位84岁的退休证券经纪人,他患有胃溃疡,引发内出血而休克。A man carrying the deadly SARS-like novel coronavirus entered the intensive-care unit of a hospital in northern France on Sunday, while officials in Saudi Arabia announced two more deaths linked to the virus, as international health authorities scrambled to understand how it spreads.周日,法国北部一名携带致命性新型冠状病毒的男子进入重症监护室,其所携带的病毒与非典型性肺炎(SARS)病毒类似。同时沙特阿拉伯又报告了两例与该病毒有关联的死亡病例,国际卫生机构正致力于了解这种病毒的传播方式。