




抱歉,不清楚所谓的原文,只有这个,所以,只找到这个,就将就下吧……根据《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》记录,世界上智商最高的人是英国人William Alfred Quannigton,他的智商超过350,估计为400(高到不能给出准确的值)。这个人是个谜,很抱歉我没有更多关于他的资料,据说是剑桥的一个英国学生,智商接近400.出生后5个月说出第一个词:aluminum(铝).1岁时懂得说话与读写.2岁半时自学代数和几何.4岁时自学大学微积分课程.之后入高中,成绩全是A+.9岁时设计了一架时光机(fairstar:或许是因为其中技术和思想太超前于时代,所以现在还不能够制造出来).英语:According to "Guinness World Records" record, the world's highest IQ who is British William Alfred Quannigton, his IQ over 350, is estimated to be 400 (high to not give the exact value). This man is a mystery, I'm sorry I do not have more information about him, is said to be a British student in Cambridge, close to 400 IQ five months after the birth of the first word to say:. Aluminum (Al) .1 know how to speak the age of .2 and a half years old when reading and writing self-age self-algebra and geometry .4 after college calculus courses into high school, grades are all a + .9 designed an age time Machine (fairstar:. perhaps because of technology and ideas too far ahead of the times, so now is not capable of producing up).希望采纳,谢谢~