
the final countdown什么意思

the final countdown什么意思


the final countdown什么意思

the final countdown倒数计时;碧血长天;最后的倒计时例句1.Well, tonight is the start of the final countdown.嗯,今晚是倒数计时的开始。2.He bought his first "metal" album, "The Final Countdown" .他买了他的第一个“金属”专辑,“最后的倒计时”。3.The lighting of the flame at the venue of the ancient Olympics launched a relay that marks the final countdown for each Games.照明的火焰时,会场的古代奥运会发起了接力这标志着最后倒数计时,为每一个游戏。4.This is the final countdown to Carnival! Let's Samba.现在是狂欢节最后一次倒计时!一起跳桑巴吧5.In the London segment in the final countdown at the end of the Bejing olympics was total rubbish.北京奥运会上最后的倒计时的时候的伦敦表演,那简直是垃圾。