




2原文晚游六桥(1)待月记西湖最盛(17),为春,为月(2)。一日之盛(4),为朝烟,为夕岚(3)。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒(5),与杏桃相次开发(25),尤(6)为奇观。石篑(kuì)(7)数(16)为余言:“傅金吾(8)园中梅,张功甫(9)家故物也,急往观之。”余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去(18)。湖上由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾(23),弥漫二十余里。歌吹为风(10),粉汗为雨(11),罗纨(wán)之盛(12),多于堤畔之草,艳冶(yě)(13)极矣。然杭人游湖,止(21)午、未、申三时(14)。其时湖光染翠(24)之工(19),山岚设(22)色之妙,皆在朝日始出,夕舂(chōng)(15)未下,始极其浓媚。月景尤不可言,花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。此乐留与山僧、游客受用,安可为俗士道(20)哉?[1]3注释(1)六桥:西湖苏堤上的六座桥,由南向北依次名为映波、锁澜、望山、压堤、东浦、跨虹。(2)为春为月:意为是春天月夜。(3)夕岚:傍晚山里的雾气 。(4)一日之盛:一天最美的时候(5)梅花为寒所勒:为:被;勒:制约。(6)尤:特别。(7)石篑(kui 去声):即陶望龄,字周望,号石篑,明代会稽人。明万历年进士,袁宏道的朋友,公安派作家。下文的“傅金吾”。“张功甫”都是人名。(8)傅金吾:傅,姓。金吾,汉朝主管京城治安的官员,这里指明朝锦衣卫的官员。(9)张功甫:南宋将领张峻的孙子,玉照堂是其园林,有名贵梅花四寻址。(10)歌吹为风:美妙的音乐随风飘扬。(11)粉汗为雨:粉末状的汗水连成一片,如雨流淌。(12)罗纨之盛:罗纨,丝织品,这里是指穿罗纨制作的衣服的人。(13)艳冶:艳丽妖冶。(14)午、未、申:指午时、未时、申时三个时辰,相当于现在从上午十一时至下午五时的这一段时间。(15)夕舂(chōng):夕阳的代称。舂,用杵臼捣去谷物的皮壳。形容日落西山的样子。《淮南子·天文训》:“至于渊虞,是谓高舂,至于连石,是谓下舂。”后人又以“舂”代指日落处的山名。《集韵》:“舂,山名,日所入。”(16)数:多次。(17)盛:美。(18)去:离开。(19)工:巧妙。(20)道:说。(21)止:仅仅在。(22)设:涂。(23)绿烟红雾:绿柳如烟红花如雾。(24)湖光染翠:湖水印上了绿色。(25)开发:开花。(26)恋:迷恋。(27)设色:染上彩色。(28)受用:享用。(29)相次:一个接着一个5译文西湖最美的时候,是春天,是月夜。一天中最美的时候,是烟雾弥漫的早晨,是山岚缭绕的傍晚。 今年春雪很大,梅花被寒雪抑制住,(梅花)后来才和桃花、杏花次第开放,这还是难得一见的奇观。我的朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“傅金吾园中的梅花,是宋代张功甫玉照堂中原有的旧物,应该要马上去欣赏啊!”我当时被桃花迷住了,(我)竟然舍不得离开湖上.从断桥到苏堤这一带,绿柳如烟、红花似雾,绵延着有二十多里呢!美妙的音乐随风飘扬,带粉香的汗水如雨流淌,穿罗衫、着纨裤,游客之多,多过堤畔上的柳枝。真是艳丽极了! 然而杭州人游览西湖,却仅仅在午、未、申三个时辰(上午十一时至下午五时);其实翠绿染着湖光的神秘,山中雾气染上彩色的神秘,都在朝日初升、夕阳未下的时候才最浓丽! 有月的夜景之美更是难以用语言形容。那花的姿态、柳的情调,山的容颜、水的意境,更是别有一番情趣韵味。这种乐趣,只能留给山中的僧人和识趣的游客享用,怎能够和凡夫俗子去说呢?The originalSix (1) months nights to rememberThe West Lake Sheng (17), for spring, for the month (2). A day of Sheng (4), for the smoke, as Xi Lan (3).This year spring very Sheng, the plum blossom is cold 所勒 (5), and apricot phase development (25), (6) for the spectacle.Shi Kui (KU) (7) (16) for more than a few words: "Fu Jinwu (8) Yuan Mei, Zhang Gongfu (9) is also home, anxious to view." When the love more than for the peach blossom, he could not bear to (18). The lake by the broken bridge to Sir Georg Solti area, green smoke red mist (23), diffuse more than 20 years. The song is the wind blowing (10), powder sweat rain (11), Luo Wan (w á n) of Sheng (12), more than the causeway of grass, pretty and coquettish (Y é) (13) pole.Although Hangzhou people swim in the lake, check (21) afternoon, not, and three (14). When the carpenter dyed jade (24) (19), the work of a mountain (22) color of the Miao, both in Asahi beginning, Xi Chung (CH ō ng) (15) not, was extremely strong mei. On scene especially not to speak of, take state willow, mountain water containing meaning, don't is a fun. The music for you and the mountain monk, tourists, encore for Su Shi Tao (20)? [1]TranslationTime, West Lake is the most beautiful spring, is the moonlit night.The best time of the day, is the smoke in the morning, the evening is mountain mist shrouded.This year spring, the plum blossom is suppressed (snow, plum and peach, apricot) before opening sequence, which is a rare spectacle.My friend Tao Wangling repeatedly told me: "Fu 金吾 garden plum, is a original song Zhang Gongfu Chao Tang, should enjoy the right!"I was fascinated by the peach blossom, (I) was reluctant to leave the lake. From the broken bridge to the Su Causeway to this area, green Liu Ruyan, safflower like mist, stretching more than 20!The wonderful music flapping in the wind, with powder fragrant sweat like rain flowing, wear clothes, a WAN pants, tourists, more than the causeway on the willow.It is very beautiful!However, the people of Hangzhou to visit West Lake, but only in the afternoon, and, not three hours (eleven am to five PM); in fact, the green tinged with lake mysterious mountain mist, with color of mystery, when they are in the Asahi rises, not only the most gorgeous sunset!On the night of the United States is more difficult to describe.The flowers attitude, Liu atmosphere, the appearance, the artistic conception of water, also do not have a taste the flavor.This fun, only to leave the mountain monk and the interest of visitors enjoy, how can and ordinary people to say?