
footprints in the sand中英文歌词

footprints in the sand中英文歌词


footprints in the sand中英文歌词

You walked with me  你和我一起漫步在沙滩上  Footprints in the sand  留下串串的脚印  And helped me understand Where I'm going  你让我明白了该何去何从  You walked with me When I was all alone  当我感到孤独的时候你陪我一起散步  With so much unknown Along the way  等待我的还有许多未知而又漫长的路  then I heard you say  当我听到你说道  I promise you I'm always there  我答应你我会一直在那里  When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair  当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望  I'll carry you  我会支撑着你  When you need a friend  当你需要一个朋友的时候  You'll find my footprints in the sand  你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印  I see my life flash across the sky  我看见我的人生一瞬间划过天空  so many times have I been so afraid  大多数的时候我感到很害怕  and just when I I thought I lost my way  当我认为我迷失方向的时候  you give me strength to carry on  你给与我力量去继续下去  that's when I heard you say  当我听你说到  I promise you I'm always there  我答应你我会一直在那里  When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair  当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望  I'll carry you  我会支撑着你  When you need a friend  当你需要一个朋友的时候  You'll find my footprints in the sand  你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印  when I'm weary  当我疲惫的时候  well I know you be there and I can feel you  我知道你会在那里,因为我可以感受得到  when you say  当你说  I promise you I'm always there  我答应你我会一直在那里  When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair  当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望  I'll carry you  我会支撑着你  When you need a friend  当你需要一个朋友的时候  You'll find my footprints in the sand  你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印  When your heart is full of Sadness and despair  即使当你的心彻底的绝望了  I'll carry you  我也会支撑着你  when you need a friend  当你需要一个朋友的时候  You'll find my footprints in the sand.  你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印