
Moonlight shadow歌词的中文意思是什么?

Moonlight shadow歌词的中文意思是什么?


Moonlight shadow歌词的中文意思是什么?

据说,这首1983年问世的《Moonlight Shadow》原是为纪念甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)被枪杀的主唱约翰·列侬(John Lennon)而作。然而事实并非如此,曾经有国外的歌迷透露,在1995年的一次采访中,Mike Oldfield说起这首歌的灵感来源于Tony Curtis主演的电影Houdini。胡迪尼传(Houdini)是美国派拉蒙公司于1953年7月2日上映的电影,故事梗概如下:在举世闻名的幻觉大师哈利胡迪尼逝世十年后,他的遗孀贝丝找上一位灵媒,来为她召唤亡夫的鬼魂,之后便以倒叙手法回顾胡迪尼传奇的一生。创作这首歌的才华出众但却忧郁无比的Mike Oldfield未必有所特指。歌名:Moonlight Shadow(月光下的影子)原唱:Maggie Reilly词曲:Mike Oldfield所属专辑:《Crises》发行时间:1983年5月中英歌词:The last that ever she saw him她最后一次看到他时候Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中He passed on worried and warning他表现出忧虑和警告Carried away by a moonlight shadow.沉浸在月影中Lost in a river last saturday night消失在那个星期六晚上Far away on the other side.就在河远远的另一岸He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight他卷入了一场争斗And she couldn't find how to push through而她不知如何是好The trees that whisper in the evening夜晚树林低语Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中Sing a song of sorrow and grieving唱着哀伤苦恼之歌Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中All she saw was a silhouette of a gun她只目睹那把枪的轮廓Far away on the other side.就在河远远的另一岸He was shot six times by a man on the run一个男人在逃跑中对他连开了六枪And she couldn't find how to push through而她不知如何是好I stay我留在原地I pray我祈求I see you in heaven far away期望能在遥远的天堂再次见到你I stay我站着不动I pray我祈求I see you in heaven one day期望有一天能在天堂再次见到你Four am in the morning早上四点时Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中I watched your vision forming我看到你模糊的身影在我面前显现Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中Star was light in a silvery night在银色的夜晚中星星放慢了移动速度Far away on the other side就在河远远的另一岸Will you come to talk to me this night今晚你会来和我说话吗But she couldn't find how to push through今晚你会来和我说话吗I stay我留在原地I pray我祈求I see you in heaven far away期望能在遥远的天堂再次见到你I stay我站着不动I pray我祈求I see you in heaven one day期望有一天能在天堂再次见到你Far away on the other side.就在河远远的另一岸Caught in the middle of a hundred and five他卷入了一场争斗The night was heavy but the air was alive那晚夜色凝重空气里人声嘈嘈But she couldn't find how to push through但是她不知道怎么才能继续下去Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中Far away on the other side.就在河远远的另一岸