
英文句子 翻译 在线等

英文句子 翻译 在线等


英文句子 翻译  在线等

到2025年,因吸烟致死者的人数将上升到每年200万人;到2050年将增加到300万人。The number of people that die of smoking will raise to 2,000,000 per year by the year of 2050, and the figure will go up to 3,000,000 till 2050.由此可见烟对人类危害有多大。As it can be seen, smoking does a huge harm to the health of human beings.在空间狭小的酒吧和餐馆里,如果有吸烟者存在,室内不仅充满了人体呼出的二氧化碳,还有吸烟者呼出的一氧化碳,会使人感到头痛、倦怠,工作效率下降,If there were smokers in small rooms like bars and restaurants, the air inside would be filled with carbon dioxide which is breathed out, and carbon monoxide from the breathe of smokers as well. It will give people a headche and make them feel tired, and it leads to the descending of work efficiency.有个问题啊,在餐馆和酒吧怎么会“工作效率下降”呢,那本来就不是工作地点啊?更为严重的是在吸烟者吐出来的冷烟雾中,烟焦油和烟碱的含量比吸烟者吸入的热烟含量多1倍,一氧化碳多4倍,氨多50倍,what's worse, the colden smog which is produced by smokers contains the quantity of heat twice as much as what is inbreathed, while the carbon monoxide is 4 times more and ammonia is 50 times more.研究还发现,被动吸烟者受到的伤害甚至超过吸烟者本人。吸烟不仅危害吸烟者本人,而且会伤害到周围的人。According to the researchers, passive smokers are being harmed even more than the smokers themselves. Therefore, smoking does not only do harm those who smoke, but also people around them.