




£ 是英磅的货币符号,货币符号是根据不同国家货币名称的拉丁语编成的。目录英文介绍中文介绍编辑本段英文介绍  The pound sign ("₤" or later more commonly in the UK "£") is the symbol for the pound sterling, the currency of the United Kingdom (UK), and for some other currencies of the same name in other countries. Rarely, L is used instead. Both symbols derive from libra, the basic Roman unit of weight (about 0.329 kg), in turn 【derived from the Latin word】 for scales or balance. The pound became a British Imperial unit of weight, and the pound currency unit was so named because it was originally the value of one pound (weight) of sterling silver.编辑本段中文介绍  是英国的货币(英国),以及一些其他货币一样的名字在其他国家。符号起源于天秤座,基本的罗马单位重量(约0.329公斤),反过来源于拉丁文为规模及平衡。英镑成为英国皇家单位重量和英镑货币单位是如此命名是因为它本来是价值的一磅(重量)英镑银。  英镑是英国官方货币和货币单位名称。英国虽然是欧盟的成员国,但尚未加入欧元区,故仍然使用英镑。英镑由英国中央银行发行。国际标准化组织为英镑取的代号为GBP。