
是another side还是the other side?

是another side还是the other side?


是another side还是the other side?

the other side因为街道只有两边,而another是3者以上的另一个 other 别的,其他的;更多的 (经常做定语,后面跟名词)There are other ways to do this exercise. 做这个练习还可用别的方法。 another 又一个,再一个 (一般至少三个以上的人或物)The little boy finished his cake and asked for another. 小男孩吃完自己的饼后,要求再吃一块。 others 其它 (经常用在 some...others的句型中)如: The students are cleaning the classroom. Some are sweeping the floor. Others are cleaning the windows.the other (经常用在 one... the other一个,另一个, 一般只有两个人或物)如:I have two uncles. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher.