




水果篮子的主题曲名:《For fruit basket》作词:冈崎律子作曲:冈崎律子编曲:村山达哉歌:冈崎律子 中文歌词 :我非常高兴,当你对我笑时 那笑容能融化一切 虽然距离春天还很远,种子还在冰冷的土地里 等待着发芽的那一瞬间 即使今天过得并不开心 即使还残留着昨天的伤痕 我还是相信,你会敞开心扉 虽然无法重新来过 但是我可以改变 Let's stay together 永远 只为我微笑,用指尖触碰我 用你无境的愿望 想过得优雅一些,这样我们就不再后悔 让我们跨越叹息的海洋 即使今天充满痛苦 总有一天,它会成为温馨的回忆 只要我们的心被感动 我明白生存在这的意义 也了解诞生于世的快乐 Let's stay together 永远 即使今天充满痛苦 总有一天,它会成为温馨的回忆 只要我们的心被感动 我明白生存在这的意义 也了解诞生于世的快乐 Let's stay together 永远英文歌词:I am very happy, and when you laugh when I That smile can melt all Although still a long way from the spring, the seeds are still icy land Lane Waiting for the germination of that moment Even today, far from being happy Even yesterday, still remain the scars I still believe that you will open their hearts Although it is impossible to villages But I can change Let's stay together forever I just smile, I used fingertip touch Using your desire without Habitat Some thought of in elegant, so we will not regret Let us sigh across the ocean Even today, full of pain Someday, it will become fond memories As long as our hearts were touched I understand that the survival of Also understand the joy of the birth of the world Let's stay together forever Even today, full of pain Someday, it will become fond memories As long as our hearts were touched I understand that the survival of Also understand the joy of the birth of the world Let's stay together forever