



工作狂workaholicMany Japanese people are workaholic.许多日本人都是工作狂。I do not want to become a workaholic.我不想成为工作狂。One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.工作狂难以抑制的和不松懈的需要工作的人He is a young man who scorns delights and lives laborious days, and he never dates or goes to weekend parties.他是个年轻的工作狂,从不与女子约会,也不参加周末聚会。Colin Powell has a hard time letting go of work, even when he's forced to play - and sing.美国国务卿鲍威尔平日一向是个"工作狂",即便是放松一下的时候,比如唱歌,也是出于工作的需要。