
the last leaf 故事用英文概述

the last leaf 故事用英文概述



The last leaf is about the story of two young painters in Washington slums, Su and Qiongxi, and their neighbor, Belman. Qiongxi suffered from severe pneumonia in the cold November, and her condition became more and more serious. 

As a painter, she put the hope of life on the last rattan leaf outside the window, thinking that when the rattan leaves fall, it is the end of her life. As a result, she lost the courage and faith to live. 

As her friend Su was very sad, she told the old painter Belman about Johnsy's idea. The old painter was a hot tempered, teasing drunkard who was always accompanied by wine. After nearly 40 years of painting, nothing has been achieved. 

Every day, I say I want to create a masterpiece, but it's just empty talk. But he took good care of the two young painters. When he heard about it, he scolded, but there was nothing to do.

But the amazing thing happened: even though the wind outside the house was so strong, and the serrated leaf edge had withered and turned yellow, it still grew on the high rattan branch. 

Qiongxi saw that the last leaf was still hanging on the tree, and that the leaf could survive the cold wind. Why couldn't she? So he regained his life belief and survived tenaciously. But this is not the end of the story. 

The truth has just been opened: it was Behrman who was over sixty years old. On a stormy night, in order to draw the last rattan leaf, he caught pneumonia because of a cold. At the last moment of his life, he finally completed a shocking masterpiece.





琼西看到最后一片叶子仍然挂在树上,叶子经过凛冽的寒风依然可以存留下来, 自己为什么不能?于是又重拾生的信念,顽强地活了下来。可是故事并不是到此就结束了,真相才刚刚打开。


the last leaf 故事用英文概述





